OSS Policies
OSS considers any form of corruption and fraud to be detrimental to the achievement of its mission. To this end, OSS has adopted a zero tolerance declaration against corruption, fraud, and any other form of misconduct and implemented measures to prevent any misconduct in its procedures or activities.
OSS also has a set of policies and procedures for assessing environmental, social, and gender impacts during the preparation and implementation of its interventions and projects within the following framework :
- As a regional implementing entity of the Green Climate Fund (GCF) and the Adaptation Fund (AF)
- In compliance with international agreements and standards in the implementation of its projects.
These policies are an integral part of the OSS Environmental and Social Risk Management System (ESRMS) and the OSS project cycle.
- Anti-Fraud Whistleblowing Policy
This policy aims to strengthen the OSS integrity system and combat corruption and wrongdoing. It defines the rules and conditions for investigating allegations of corruption, fraud, or any other misconduct.
Access the Anti-Fraud Whistleblowing Policy
- Environmental and Social Policy
This policy describes the principles applicable by OSS in assessing environmental, social, and gender impacts during the preparation and implementation of programs and projects.
Access the Environmental and Social Policy
- Gender Policy
This policy reflects OSS's commitment to the principles of equality and equity between women and men and marks its commitment to promoting social justice, equal opportunities, diversity, and equity in its interventions.
Access the Gender Policy
OSS Procedures
OSS has a portfolio of procedures, rules, and practices to operationalize its policies and guidelines.
- Anti-Fraud Procedure (Whistleblowing)
This procedure details the process recommended by OSS for handling cases of fraud, corruption, or similar acts with transparency, independence, and rigor.
Access the Anti-Fraud Whistleblowing Procedure
- Arbitration Procedure
This procedure explains the administrative process for managing cases requiring suspension, reduction, or cancellation of funding.
Access the Arbitration Procedure
- Funding Request Evaluation Procedure
This procedure describes the process used by OSS for reviewing, evaluating, and prioritizing project proposals and funding requests submitted to it.
Access the Funding Request Evaluation Procedure
- Procurement Rules
This document details OSS's rules for purchasing goods, conducting works, and acquiring services (other than consulting services).
Access the Procurement Rules
- Counseling and Support Practices
This document describes the practices used by OSS to assess the needs of program and project beneficiaries in terms of counseling and support.
Access the Counseling and Support Practices
- External Communication Procedure
This procedure describes the approach adopted by OSS for external communication, including the mechanism for handling complaints and grievances related to the implementation of its interventions.
Access the External Communication Procedure
OSS Mechanisms
OSS is committed to ensuring that its projects/programs or activities are implemented in accordance with its environmental, social, and gender obligations. Despite all the measures taken by OSS to avoid and minimize environmental and social risks associated with its projects/programs or activities, they may still cause harm to people or the environment. To address these potential situations, OSS has established a grievance mechanism.
This mechanism aims to provide individuals who have suffered (or are at risk of suffering) environmental, social, or gender impacts due to projects/programs or activities implemented or executed by OSS with an accessible, transparent, fair, and effective process for receiving and handling their complaints.
- Who can file a complaint?
Any person or group of people affected (or at risk of being affected) from an environmental, social, or gender perspective by a project/program or activity implemented or executed by OSS can file a complaint.
- How to file a complaint?
To file a complaint, please complete the form available in the following languages: English and French
The Environmental and Social Complaints Handling Guide provides more details on the grievance mechanism.
Please note that anonymous complaints are not accepted. However, the complainant's name will be kept confidential if explicitly requested.
- Where to send a complaint?
Complaints can be submitted:
By email: doleances@oss.org.tn
By mail: Boulevard du Leader Yasser Arafat, BP 31, Tunis Carthage 1080, Tunisia
In person:
At the project/program implementation entity
OSS Headquarters (Boulevard du Leader Yasser Arafat, BP 31, Tunis Carthage 1080, Tunisia)
For more information on the OSS grievance mechanism, please refer to the following documents:
Environmental and Social Policy
Environmental and Social Complaints Handling Guide
Complaints related to cases of fraud or corruption in projects implemented or executed by OSS must be submitted to the external auditor KPMG-BMZ - Tunisia.
Counseling and Support
In accordance with the OSS Counseling and Support Practices, project beneficiaries and implementing entities can submit their requests for support and assistance through this email address: enquiries.requests@oss.org.tn
Fraud Declaration
OSS is committed to observing the highest ethical, moral, and legal standards within its organization and in its projects/programs or activities, and considers corruption and fraud to be detrimental to the achievement of its mission.
To promote good governance and transparency, the OSS external auditor (ECC Mazars) has been designated by the Board of Directors to receive, investigate, and handle these allegations.
Individuals who are aware of cases of misconduct are strongly encouraged to report them to MAZARS. Although the external auditor is authorized to accept anonymous complaints, OSS encourages whistleblowers to identify themselves as allegations made anonymously are often more difficult to investigate and may not address the complainant's concerns.
Furthermore, OSS has adopted a Whistleblowing Policy to protect whistleblowers from retaliation.
How to file a complaint?
To file a complaint, please complete the form available in two versions: English and French.
Where to send a complaint?
Complaints should be submitted to MAZARS:
By email: ali.cherif@mazars.tn
By fax: + 216 71 964 380
In person: at the Mazars office to Mr. Ali Cherif (MAZARS Building, Rue Ghar El Melh, Les Berges du Lac, Tunis.)
For more information, please refer to the following documents:
Whistleblowing Policy
Whistleblowing Procedure.
Complaints related to environmental, social, or gender grievances due to a project/program or activity implemented or executed by OSS must be submitted through the grievance mechanism.