
 The OSS pays tribute to the late Dr. Marc Bied CHARRETON.

The OSS pays tribute to the late Dr. Marc Bied CHARRETON.

The man who never missed a chance to quote Danton with his famous: “ Dare, dare…

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 OSS mission in Niger Great prospects for future cooperation, April 2022

OSS mission in Niger Great prospects for future cooperation, April 2022

An OSS delegation, led by the Executive Secretary, Mr. Nabil Ben Khatra, took the…

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 Regional consultation workshop for the completion of the BOUCLIER-CLIMAT/Mono project concept note, April 14 - 15, 2022

Regional consultation workshop for the completion of the BOUCLIER-CLIMAT/Mono project concept note, April 14 - 15, 2022

As part of the development of the BOUCLIER-CLIMAT/MONO regional project proposal…

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 Meeting of the Council of Ministers in charge of the W-Arly-Pendjari-WAP Complex management, Niamey - April 13, 2022

Meeting of the Council of Ministers in charge of the W-Arly-Pendjari-WAP Complex management, Niamey - April 13, 2022


This session was held with the financial and technical support of the…

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 Start of the Regional Steering Committee of the AdaptWAP project, organized by the OSS in Niamey, April 12, 2022

Start of the Regional Steering Committee of the AdaptWAP project, organized by the OSS in Niamey, April 12, 2022

The 3rd Steering Committee (CoPil)* of the AdaptWAP project was held…

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 GMES&Africa project second phase - Start-up workshop, March 29 - 30, 2022 in Hammamet

GMES&Africa project second phase - Start-up workshop, March 29 - 30, 2022 in Hammamet

The workshop officially started with the speech of Mr. Nabil Ben Khatra, OSS…

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 28th Session of the OSS Executive Board March 30 – 31, 2022 - Online session

28th Session of the OSS Executive Board March 30 – 31, 2022 - Online session

The OSS held the 28th Session of its Executive Board under the…

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  The Sahara and Sahel Observatory is holding the 28th Session of its Executive Board, under the Chairmanship of Egypt, on March 30 - 31, 2022, in virtual mode.

The Sahara and Sahel Observatory is holding the 28th Session of its Executive Board, under the Chairmanship of Egypt, on March 30 - 31, 2022, in virtual mode.


The Sahara and Sahel Observatory is holding the 28th session of its…

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 World Water Day 2022 : The OSS pushes for the integrated management of transboundary water resources and the restoration of land and associated ecosystems

World Water Day 2022 : The OSS pushes for the integrated management of transboundary water resources and the restoration of land and associated ecosystems

The 2022 World Water Day, comes the day following the start of the 9th World…

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 The W-Niger component of the WAP complex proceeds with its stakeholder capacity building activities for adaptation to climate change

The W-Niger component of the WAP complex proceeds with its stakeholder capacity building activities for adaptation to climate change

The national project management unit in Niger conducted in Bangoula, March 21-22…

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 The OSS Secretary statement during the PAGGW Side Event at the World Water Forum

The OSS Secretary statement during the PAGGW Side Event at the World Water Forum

Water issues and priorities in the Great Green Wall implementation.


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 Kick-off of the second phase of the GMES&Africa program, March 21 & 22, 2022 OSS Headquarters

Kick-off of the second phase of the GMES&Africa program, March 21 & 22, 2022 OSS Headquarters

OSS-AUC exchanges on technical, administrative and financial aspects

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