NEXUS project



Duration of the project

3 years (2016-2019)


Food security

Total budget


All the national institutions in the Water, Agriculture, Energy and Environment sectors

The NWSAS Consultation Mechanism

Countries concerned
Algeria, Libya, Tunisia

Acting for Cooperation in the Water Sector in the Mediterranean - NEXUS

The project aims to develop and evaluate the inherent links of the NEXUS approach "Water, Food Security, Energy, Ecosystems". The project focuses on three components namely:

  • A NEXUS assessment "Water, Food Security, Energy, Ecosystems" to map and describe / characterize the interconnections in the use and management of water, land, energy and ecosystems ;
  • An institutional analysis and evaluation of options for strengthening trans-boundary cooperation between the countries,
  • The development of a common vision of the management of the NWSAS reflecting the priorities and aspirations of the countries and stakeholders of the different sectors using the water resources and setting out the general guidance of the trans-boundary cooperation.


Financial partners
  • Global Water Partnership, Mediterranean - GWP-Med
Technical partners

Approval date

January 2016

1st regional round table

July 2017

Two national workshops

April 2019, Libya
April 2019, Tunisia

Key Achievements
  • Nexus assessment methodology, study structure and validated data collection;
  • Stakeholder analysis;
  • Energy model;
  • Strengthening the institutional and legal frameworks of the NWSAS Consultation Mechanism.