During the first supervision mission of the NB-ITTAS project, a delegation from the Sahara and Sahel Observatory (OSS) visited the pilot project intervention sites located in Bobo-Dioulasso, particularly around the Marigot Houet in the Kou Basin, Burkina Faso.
The pilot project, situated near Bobo-Dioulasso, addresses challenges related to water resource pollution (agricultural, industrial, and domestic) and water scarcity, exacerbated by siltation and low rainfall. It aims to demonstrate and implement best practices for the sustainable management of shared groundwater resources, particularly those interconnected and affected by climate change impacts.
The delegation began with a meeting with beneficiaries and local stakeholders from the Houet Basin. The primary objective of this visit was to discuss ongoing achievements, challenges encountered, and the expectations of beneficiaries. This discussion helped identify the project’s progress as well as areas for improvement to enhance effectiveness.
The team conducted a field visit to the selected sub-sites (Dogona, Dioulassoba, and Banakeledaga) to assess the completed infrastructures and equipment, such as the construction of filtration dikes and stone bunds to combat erosion, and the creation of market garden wells and boreholes to improve access to water. They also observed recent riverbank sanitation works, which will support the return of sacred catfish, symbols of the city.
A feedback session followed with beneficiaries and local stakeholders, providing insights into the training and awareness activities conducted as part of the project. This exchange allowed observations made during the visit to be shared and concerns raised to be addressed. It also provided an opportunity to adjust certain approaches and ensure optimal monitoring of ongoing actions. Additional data collection was carried out to enrich the field report, offering a clearer understanding of the progress made and challenges to overcome in the next project phases.
Finally, a meeting was held at the Regional Directorate of Water and Sanitation of Hauts-Bassins with officials from the Kou Local Water Committee and the association "Save the Marigot Houet." The discussions reviewed the implementation status of the project's actions. Participants shared the difficulties encountered, perspectives, and suggestions for optimizing the project's future phases, considering the specific needs of the local population.